New Media Final (Part 1)

What are some things you liked about this class?

Some things I enjoyed about this class was the free time which was given once we finished an assignment and how it allowed me to improve my typing speed & accuracy. I can now type over 40 wpm, which is way better than I was able to before.

What are things you did not like about this class?

Some things that I did not like about this class were how some of the assignments seemed repetitive and it felt like we were doing the same thing over and over.

Recommendations for improving this class

Some recommendation I would give to improve this class is a greater variety withing the assignments. I felt we did the same thing everyday.

Answer: Did you really try your best in this class?

I did try my best in this class, with the exception of a few simple assignments which were really easy.

Answer: Are you reading your Life Planning 100+ Goals daily for at least two minutes? Explain.

Yes I try to read my 100+ goals everyday when i get the chance. I usually read them once I got home from school.

Answer: Are you really committed to be a CTR person? Why or why not?

Yes I am committed to becoming a CTR person. I feel that becoming a CTR person and always choosing the right only leads to positive effects.

What will you always remember from this class?

Some thing which I will always remember from this class are the student success statements. They always taught me a lesson about generosity, courage, value, honesty, and any other right thing.

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Student Success Statement


Always choose the right

“Of all the choices you will ever make, one choice supersedes all other choices. The ultimate choice will guide you in making all other choices. This on choice will help you to always make correct decision. This one choice, the ultimate choice, is the keystone to being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice. THE ULTIMATE CHOICE is: To be a CTR person- to always CHOOSE THE RIGHT.”

What this quote means is that out of all the choices you make in life, the main choice/option which should always be on our mind should be to choose the right. You should always choose the right no matter the circumstances or if it is not the popular choice.

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Student Success Statement


Thomas Carlyle

“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.”

What this quote means is that if a man does not have any goals in his life, he won’t have an inspiration/something that will drive him in life. He would just go on the path which life takes him. You must set goals because it helps you work towards something and will steer you to the right path.

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Student Success Statement


Chinese Proverb

“If there is beauty in character , there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. Conclusion: If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world.”

What this quote means is that if you show good character, beautiful character in fact, then you are doing your part in bringing peace to the world. Because not only does beautiful character leads to a better you, it also leads to many other things, such as harmony in the home and order in the nation. Which in return bring peace to the world.

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Six Pillars of Character

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Six Pillars of Character

The Six Pillars of Character are six character traits which everyone must show/have. Each character trait is a different color and represents one pillar. The pillars of Character are:

Trustworthiness (Blue):

You must be honest and not dishonest. Do not cheat, lie, or deceive. Work on building a better reputation for yourself.

Respect (Yellow):

You must treat others with respect; treat others the way you want to be treated (Golden Rule).

Responsibility (Green):

You must take responsibility for your actions, bad and good. You must think before you act and always set a good example for others.

Fairness (Orange):

You should always play by the rules and treat others fairly. You must also be open-minded and not take advantage of others.

Caring (Red):

Be kind and compassionate. Always show gratitude for things people do for you, or say to you. You must forgive others for what they have done.

Citizenship (Purple):

Make your school and community better. Get involved in the community aid/meetings/help and remember to respect authority.

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Student Success Statement



“I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.”

What this quote means is that it is better to fail with honor and respect, than to win by cheating. Winning does not matter if you cheated your way to victory, in fact, losing with honor is greater than winning with dishonor. For example, you do not need to cheat to get a good score on a test/exam.

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Memorial Day


Memorial Day

Memorial day is a federal holiday celebrated in the US. It’s purpose is to remember all those who have died at war while serving their country. It is celebrated on the last Monday of May. In order to honor Memorial day and all those who have fought at war, many people go to cemeteries and place US flags or flowers on their graves.

One interesting thing which I found out about memorial day was, it was originally made to honor all those who have died during the civil war. However, now it honors all those who have died during any of the wars in which American took place in (WWI, WWII, etc).

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Student Success Statement


Dan Dierdorf

“If I’ve got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed.”

What this quote means is that if you set goals and follow them, you are on the right path to doing the right thing. Setting positive goals also sets a positive mood for you and it will lead to a more righteous person (you).

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Student Success Statement


Dennis Prager

“The most important thing you will ever have is good values.”

What this quote means is that the most important which you will have in your entire life are good values. Good values are more important than money, power, and fame. Good values is what makes you a happier, healthier, and kinder person. Having bad values lead to many negatives while have good values leads to many positives, such as being more respected.

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Student Success Statement

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Wilford Woodruff

“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong.”

What this quote means is that there is no positive outcome when you do something that is wrong. For example, if you were to cheat on a test you would feel like you did something right, but the guilt will get to you and you’ll soon see all the negatives that come with choosing the wrong.

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